Sunday 17 June 2012
Good morning All,
Despite dull weather yesterday in Charleroi, we managed to take off in the middle of the afternoon, destination EDXW (Sylt, Germany)!
We are now (Sunday, 13:00 local time) about to leave for Denmark, and will try to reach EKSN (Sindal), the northest concrete airfield of the mainland country. It is sky clear for the time being, but a few CB are growing along the way, so we expect to divert to other airfields…..
We will post some news tonight! Stay tuned!
We are in Copenhagen!! We have just landed at EKRK (Roskilde, Denmark)! We have not managed to fly along the northern coasts of Denmark due to bad weather unfortunately, but after being forced to divert to EKVJ (Stauning) we have crossed the country eastwards and arrived in beautiful Copenhagen around 20:00 local time!
Monday 18 June 2012
Blue sky and wind calm this morning! We are now about to depart from Copenhagen, destination Sweden for a stop in our way at ESMQ (Kalmar) and a final stop, hopefully tonight, at ESSV (Visby, Gotland).
We are in Sweden!! We landed as expected in Gotland (19:00 local time), a small island in between Sweden mainland and Latvia. We stay in Visby for the night and aim to take off tomorrow morning for Stockholm, our next destination….
Wednesday 20 June 2012
We are in Stockholm!!! We landed yesterday evening in ESKN (Skavsta) and stayed for the night in central Stockholm! Early this morning, Alexandre, Franck and Vincent went back to Belgium and a new team of pilots (Caroline, Emilie, Gabriel, Matteo, Najat and Valerie) arrived directly with Ryanair in Skavsta. After 3 hours of flight, we are now in ESNN (Sundsvall)! We will stay here for the night and decide how we continue tomorrow morning according to the weather conditions. Hopefully, we’ll be on or nearby the Artic circle tomorrow night, for the first day of the summer and the midnight sun!!
Thursday 21 June 2012
We have crossed the Artic circle! We landed at ESPA (Lulea) on Thursday afternoon and stayed there for the night. Just a bit before midnight, we took off for a local flight from and to Lulea in order to be in flight for the midnight sun above the Artic circle! It has been a magical experience!
Friday 22 June 2012
We have now reached Norway! After a beautiful 4-hour flight across the Swedish mountains, we have reached the western coastline of Norway with it famous fjords, valleys and steep cliffs. We will have a good sleep now and decide how we move on tomorrow….we need to be in Oslo on Sunday to welcome the third group of pilots joining us with Ryanair from Charleroi.
Saturday 23 June 2012
We are now in Bergen, slightly further down to the south and still on the western coastline of Norway. We landed just on time, before the first drops of rain! Flying above the fjords of Norway in a light aircraft is a unique experience which we recommend to every private pilot! We are staying here for the night and hope that the sky will get clearer tomorrow to continue our flying trip to Oslo…..
Sunday 24 June 2012
Unfortunately, we will not be able to reach Oslo by the air today due to the bad weather conditions we have here in Bergen. Seven of us will have to fly back directly from Bergen to Belgium, with Ryanair or Scandinavian Airlines, and Cédric, Gabriel and Najat will wait in Bergen for the third and last group of pilots (Bartosz, Costin, Ignace, John, Laurence) who is arriving in Oslo tonight….hopefully they can join Bergen tomorrow with an early flight and the trip can go on from Bergen tomorrow afternoon….
Monday 25 June 2012
I am back in Charleroi but I will continue to feed you with news of the group!
The third group has arrived in Bergen and Cédric, Gabriel and Najat were waiting for them. They are now all in Bergen. However, they will have to stay there for another night due to a flat tyre…. Hopefully, they can take off tomorrow morning but the weather forecast is not good at all….
Wednesday 27 June 2012
The group has finally left Bergen, as well as the bad weather! They are now in Kristiansand, another small town of the western coast of Norway, south of Bergen. The idea of the day is to reach Göteborg and the western coast of Sweden before tonight…. Phew! Adventure can go on!
Thursday 28 June 2012
They are now in Göteborg (Sweden)! After a long stop yesterday afternoon in Karlstad due to a defective spark plug, they were able to take off again and reach Göteborg late in the evening. They now hope to fly to Denmark and land somewhere there before the end of the day….
Friday 29 June 2012
The group is now in Copenhagen! They landed yesterday afternoon after a 2-hour flight from Göteborg, along the western coastline of Sweden. They should be back in Charleroi tomorrow….the loop Charleroi-Charleroi via the Artic circle is almot completed! 😉
Saturday 30 June 2012
Here they are, back in Charleroi!!! After a long day of flight from Copenhagen yesterday, they arrived here in Belgium late in the evening. They did a quick stop in Bremerhaven (north of Germany) to refuel and grab some pizzas, and undertook the last takeoff of the trip, destination: EBCI!
We did it, we did it 😉
Thanks to everyone, to the pilots and to our supporters!
We may try it again next year, but till the North Cape this time, and in VFR as always. Why not? “Stay hungry, stay foolish”….